The OMDoc FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the current stable version of OMDoc

It is version 1.2, it is described on these web pages and in the OMDoc specification.

What is the road-map for further development in OMDoc?

The development of OMDoc 2.0 has already begun, this will be a general (backwards-incompatible) overhaul of the document format, that will take all the experiences with OMDoc 1 into account and track all the developments of web standards since OMDoc 1.2. The development proceeds in steps; see the Development Plan for an overview and roadmap for a progress report in terms of GitHub tickets.

Is’nt OMDoc much too verbose?

the OMDoc format is mainly intended for machine consumption. You do not want to look/edit it in this form. For viewing, transform it into html or LaTeX (see the [ToolsSystems tools] section, for editing use an OMDoc or xml editor.

Does’nt communication between mathematical services in OMDoc waste bandwidth?

If you are concerned about disk space and bandwidth, consider using xml-specific compression tools like xmill or xmlppm. They take document structure into account during compression and very often realize compressed files that are smaller than the non-xml/OMDoc format of the data.

##How do I edit an OMDoc document? You have the choice of either

How can I transform legacy documents into OMDoc?

There are some rudimentary tools. For help on this matter contact the OMDoc mailing lists

Is there a mailing list for OMDoc?

Yes, we do; see details here

How can I become involved in OMDoc development?

There are multiple possibilities, you can